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Bleacher Blums

Feb 14, 2019

Tuttle and Blum get back at it with what to look for from Astros Spring Training and they take it from the 3rd coast to the Left Coast for sports talk; Harper and Free Agency, Boras effect? 

Should their be more athlete only broadcasts; Kyler Murray chose the NFL. Tune in to "What'll Tuttle Say" for more. 

Also, Blum...

Feb 9, 2019

They're in the TENS!!

This episode, technical difficulties won't stop the fellas. Blum updates Astros signing Wade Miley, the catching situation and HOFer Jeff Bagwell adds a voice to a couple of topics. Tuttle's rebuttal to Lithium on XM/Sirius, over aggressive commentating and Blummer let's us in on some broadcasting...

Feb 1, 2019

This weeks episode features an interview with Patriot's digital media talent, Megan O'Brien. We get insight into the Patriot's success, being a female reporter beginning her career and trailblazers before; oh yeah, she's a huge White Sox fan.... sorry about it. What'll Tuttle Say about the Pro Bowl? James...